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Top 5 Nonprofit Event Tips to Reenvision, Reengage & Communicate
Philanthropic Trends

1. Reinvent Your Event – Organize a virtual ideation session with your staff and event committee to create a new vision for your event. How can you leverage your networks, technology, and other resources to bring the experience to life? Don’t leave your Board members in the dark. As your organization’s biggest champions, they should be the first to know of any event changes.   

2. Update Sponsors – After your plans are in place, all sponsors should be contacted with updated information. This communication should come directly from the Executive Director and should be addressed to each unique sponsor. Be sure to include information about new methods of donor recognition, and new ways that sponsorship dollars will be invested if applicable.

3. Communicate To Ticket Purchasers–  Those who purchased tickets are valuable to your organization and care about your mission. Your team should divide the attendee list and contact each person via phone or email. Make sure you have a call script or email template to ensure that all ticket purchasers receive the same information. If the event is cancelled, consider asking the purchaser if they would be interested in donating the full ticket price, or a portion of it, to a critical need.

4. Negotiate with Vendors and Speakers – These are unprecedented times, and many vendors and speakers will be flexible in terms of rescheduling events at no charge. Be sure to review all contracts so you understand cancellation policies and act accordingly. If refunding or rescheduling the event is not possible, partner with the venue to understand what capabilities exist to live-stream a program from the venue.

5. Engage the Public – After event stakeholders are notified, it’s time to get the word out and engage the public. Begin sharing event updates through your organization’s website, social media, and newsletters. Be transparent and provide a strong call-to-action so donors, volunteers, and the public are invited to connect with your reinvented event. If you are rescheduling your event or hosting it virtually, consider asking your keynote speaker to share this information through a video or Facebook Live.

Download the 5 Must-Dos for repositioning your event during COVID-19. Don’t retreat! Advance your nonprofit’s mission.

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