Your Next $200,000 Gift Could be Waiting in Your Spam Folder

Dawn Robinson, CFRE, Cramer & Associates, Senior Consultant Does your organization have a ‘Contact Us’ page or an email? How often do you check them or take the time to respond to those who reach out this way? I know, I know… a lot of spam comes through these forms and emails, but let […]

The Power of Positive Disruption

Michelle Cramer, CFRE, President & CEO, Cramer & Associates One year ago, COVID-19 began to change the world around us. Our team saw firsthand the impact it was having on our nonprofit partners and the overwhelming disruption it caused for so many organizations. It was around this time last year when we started to receive calls and […]

4 Routines to STOP in 2021

Mike Schmidt, CFRE, Cramer & Associates, Executive V.P. & Partner We’re already well into 2021, and you’ve probably started to implement your strategic goals for the next few months. But how do you stay the course, avoid roadblocks, and keep up the motivation? Our Cramer Team suggests challenging the status quo and dropping some of those […]

Using a Storyboard as a Powerful Marketing Tool

The Cramer Team As we roll into 2021, content still reigns as king, and storytelling should be a key strategy of your marketing and communications plan. Telling your nonprofit’s story boosts your brand, elevates your mission, and builds trust and loyalty with your constituents, who will then continue to share your story over and over […]

Vision Planning: Climb the Mountain for a Fresh Perspective

Maneuvering through 2020 felt like an uphill battle with endless roadblocks and detours. We’ve made our way to the top, and the promise of a new year fills the air with hope, optimism and excitement. NOW is the perfect time to gather your team and focus on vision planning to drive your mission into 2021 […]

Uncover New Skillset Resources on Your Board: Part II

Mike Schmidt, CFRE, Cramer & Associates, Executive V.P. & Partner A plethora of skillset resources of your board members are uncovered when you shift from report-out board meetings to strategy development. Don’t squash the potential and just report the mundane day-to-day occurrences. Your board members will leave the meeting only feeling that they warmed the […]

The Board Shake-Up Starts Now: Part I

Mike Schmidt, CFRE, Cramer & Associates, Executive V.P. & Partner The clock strikes the top of the hour. Adjourned. Everyone clicks ‘Leave the Meeting’ from the Zoom room. At your nonprofit board meeting, oceans of reports were blandly presented, one after the other, with absolutely no shoreline in sight for dialogue, innovation or strategic planning. […]

The 3C’s for a Successful Integrated Marketing & Development Team

We’ve all heard about the 3 R’s for education – reading, writing and arithmetic, but does your organization practice the 3 C’s for a successful integrated Marketing and Development team? During these times of uncertainty, we have heard many seasoned fundraising and marketing professionals say that they felt promotion and outreach was inappropriate, that their […]

Development & Marketing Living in Harmony

The Cramer Team  Your Development and Marketing Teams may be on opposite sides of the building or on different floors, making it hard to communicate and work together. But, these two departments should be constantly in sync.   Collaborating, integrating and solving problems together elevates your organization to a higher level and creates dynamic strategies […]

Not All Storms Come to Disrupt Your Life . . . Some Come to Clear Your Path

By Dawn Robinson, Senior Consultant    I keep seeing memes and things about how 2020 is only getting a one-star rating and should be a do over year.  Honestly, I somewhat disagree.   Yes, we have had significant loss of lives due COVID-19 and my heart goes out to all the families and employees who […]