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Pivot Plan At-A-Glance
Cramer News

Our passion and commitment to see our nonprofit clients succeed is unparalleled. – whether through a positive fundraising landscape or one of uncertainty.

Now more than ever, we are experiencing significant disruption across the nonprofit sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging outlook for those who rely on donations, special events, government grants, and other charitable support.

That is why we created the Pivot Plan™, a fully-integrated roadmap to help nonprofits reposition their strategies and to ensure mission fulfillment during times of disruption.

The Cramer Team has decades of experience developing innovative fundraising strategies and resources for nonprofits to survive and thrive when the unexpected hits. That means you can trust that we will be there for your organization when you need it most, empowering your team to navigate any difficult road ahead.

The Pivot Plan revolves around five “pivot gears” that are at the heart of every nonprofit:  programs & services, leadership, finance, fundraising, and marketing and communications. At the core of the plan is the understanding that each of the gears must work together to develop a path forward to fulfill your organization’s mission during any type of disruption.

Leading an organization out of any type of unexpected disruption requires aligned, cohesive thinking by leadership teams; clear and concise direction; and strong tactical approaches. The Pivot Plan helps nonprofits shape that mindset by breaking down siloes to identify innovative new approaches to mission fulfillment.

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